Friday, April 17, 2009

2009/04/17 LE

Scientific American- 60-second Science


Title: Sugar Rinse Raises Performance

a variety of 種種

One contaimed glucose, a sugar. A second had maltodextrin,a tasteless carbohydrate. The third was plain water.

glucose n.葡萄糖
plain a.不摻雜的 儉樸的

All three were laced with artificial sweeteners until they tasted identically sweet.

sweetener n 糖精
lace with 加少量XX於XX

Endurance athletes rinsed their mouths with one of the three drinks during a tough workout.

endurance n 忍耐 磨練 持久
rinse vt 沖洗 漱口

Atheltes that rinsed and spat out the glucose and maltodextrin performed 2 to 3 percent better than those who got the artificial

spat--->spit vt 吐

The drinks that had real sugar and carbs lit up areas of the brain connected to pleasure and reward.

carb- 碳...

This means there are receptors in our mouth other than for simple taste.

receptor n 感覺器官
other than 除了

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