Tuesday, April 14, 2009

2009/04/14 LE

今天我想到是 魏博小孩也是隻牡羊的生日
14-my lucky number


Title: Womem Smell better Than Men

comment v閒話

Scientists collected microdroplets of perspiration,
and had men and women sniff the vials.
microdroplet micro-微小 droplet-小滴
perspiration n汗水
sniff vt 聞
vial n小玻璃瓶

odor n氣味
fragrance n香味
sweat n汗水 v出汗

Subjects were then asked to rate odor strength
when sniffing the sweat mixed one by one with 32 different fragrances.

Only two of the fragrances stopped women from smelling the sweat.
But 19 fragrances successfully blocked it from male noses.

scent n 氣味
aroma n 香味
regardless of

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