Topic: Invasion of the jumbo squid
invasion of 巴拉巴拉巴
monster moives' title 什麼什麼入侵
in packs of = describe group of animal
fly through = describe squid move very fast in the water
barb 倒鉤 n.
scrappy 好鬥的
cephalopod 頭足類動物 n
various marine mollusks with a large head, large head,
large eyes and long tentacles around the mouth.
steadily ad.
in a manner that develops in a gradual, regular way over
a period of time.
pugnacious bully 好鬥的惡霸
a sight to behold
something impressive to see
spark n
marline n very large fish
pique 使生氣 激起好奇心v
calamari n 槍烏賊
voracious adj
need a lot of something to be satisfied
invertebrate n 無脊椎動物
an animal with no spine
deplete v
reduce something in size or amount
play out (phr v)
progress toward the end of a situation
wow... many of those words are not so common.
I also need to learn some new words every day otherwise my english is not going to improve anymore...
Some of those relate to biologic thing. I can't imagine from the interpretion in chinese.
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